17 mai 2007

editing time...

hari ini, gw ngedit blog. geez! semuanya baru bikin puyeng arrghhh! padahal tadinya dah punya script sendiri tp ga masuk hix hix:s darn! anyway.. still, my kind of blog... simple and BLACK. nothing could beat the simplicity yet the strength of this color.
it's kinda boring to talk about my academic thing again so, in this blog(hopefully)u won't see any post about my academic world.
YOU would probably going to read about my favorite BOOKS, SONGS and MOVIES. or maybe just some books, songs or movies which i found quite interesting.
oh yeah, maybe about techie stuffs :p. such as newest program or games :p

so for now, this is the end of my second post.
see you all later

1 commentaire:

ShOFa ImOeT a dit…

wew simply black :D
welc0me back hun :x
rajin p0sting yak lum sempet k warnet ntar aku links km,,
mwah mwah:x